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Welcome to the 8th season of axis syllabus in research & practices at the beautiful Lake Studios in Berlin, a residential setting conducive to focused and creative learning processes. 


Our program provides furthering professional education in dance and somatics which includes movement analysis, applied anatomy, biomechanics and physics for dancers, dance pedagogues, body workers, physiotherapists or other related professional fields. It may begin as a foundation for new students to the Axis Syllabus or provides a deepening and continuing training for the more experienced. Each module weaves together a matrix of material that offers insights as well as guidance, and inspires autodidact studies.  


This season we would like to premier a pilot version of the teacher & researcher training track which will provide additional mentoring, study material & opportunities to get feedback as a facilitator of a class or lab. The development of this track is still under construction in terms of logistics, application pre-requisites and costs. However you can already express your curiosity in your application for this years cycle. 


We are also offering laboratory time which is a less facilitated space than a class for studying in our extensive Movement Artisans library,  experimenting and building models, entering small group discussions, exploring task oriented applications of principles, constraint led learning, complimentary physical practices etc.


Last but not least we invite other somatic experts, speakers and leave room for some surprises (outdoor sessions, jams, dissection…) to expand the modes of learning and experiencing. 



MODULE 1: Oktober 1 - October 7 2022 (7 days) / Lake Studios

Spinal Communications / Agility, Dexterity, Flexibility / Organs - Body Mind Centering ®

MODULE 2: Oktober 31 - November 6 2022 (7 days) / Urbanraum & Lake Studios

The Alchemy of Walking / Spheres & Spirals - Contact Improvisation / Stories of Walking​


  MODULE 3: January 9 - 28  2023 (3 weeks) Lake Studios  


 WEEK 1 January 9 - 14 


Tone, Tension, Tissue Response / Antoine Ragot 

Wings and Roots BMC® - the sphenoid and other relational aspects of the body / Nina Wehnert  

Arms & Shoulder Complex / Kira Kirsch 


How Do We Move Together - conference & practice lab / Diana Thielen 


 WEEK 2 January 16 - 21 


Ramping & Transitioning Kira Kirsch 

Liquidity and Structure - Contact Improvisation / Cristina Cripa 

Embodied Anatomy Lab - hands-on work, palpation, mapping, forming, imagining / Antoine Ragot 


conference tba


 WEEK 3 January 23 - 28 


The Potential Infinity - a never ending quest for perpetual motion / Jerome d’Orso  

Walking & Flying Antoine Ragot 

Subtle Body - touch, partnering, energy & attention / Kira Kirsch 


In A Gravitational Field - conference / Jerôme d'Orso



MODULE 4: April 1 - 6 (6 days) / Lake Studios & Urbanraum Berlin


Spine Dynamics - for balancing, turning and re-orientation / Kira Kirsch

Functional Flow - strength for agility and versatility / Filippo Serra

The Back Space - contact improvisation / Kira Kirsch



MODULE 5: May 1 - May 7 2023 (7 days) / Lake Studios


Micro & Macro - attuning to details and complexity / Kira Kirsch

Physics of Partnering / Antoine Ragot

Emergence: the root of CI & the core of Ensemble Dancing / Nita Little


Guest teachers, speakers & musicians:

Nina Wehnert

Jerôme d'Orso

Filippo Serra

Katja Mustonen

Diana Thielen

Cristina Cripa

Johannes Anzenhofer

Alex Zampini

Alex Stolze

Nita Little

& more



  • Anyone looking for bridges between movement practice, theory and critical educational approaches

  • Movement teachers, dance artists, athletes, therapists or body workers wanting to expand or reconfigure their movement/teaching/healing practice and analytic abilities



A large part of the program takes place in Lake Studios in Berlin, a residential retreat setting, next to a beautiful lake and forest, where participants can soak in a stimulating and resourceful environment. This year we are further experimenting with new spaces such as Urbanraum, a beautiful and progressive space in the bustling center of Berlin as well as one module in the southern german town Freiburg, known for its vibrant dance scene, the Freiburg Contact Festival or TIP a local dance academy. 


REGISTRATION (see registration form below):

Continuing facing unknowns this season such as sudden changes in restrictions or possible lock downs due to COVID 19 regulations, we have decided on the module by module payment system. For each module we ask for a non-refundable deposit of 50 Euros, for the 3 week module its 50 euro deposit per week. Individual module fees have to be paid two weeks before the module starts. Priority will be given to applications for the full season.




7 Day Modules (Module 1,2,5):





3 week & 6 day Module prices (this is valid for Module 3 in January and Module 4 in April):


1 week / 6 days: 


Budget 375

Regular 475


2 weeks


Budget 700

Regular 900


3 weeks 


Budget: 1000

Regular: 1300


All Prices include:

2-3 sessions per day, one half day, teaching team of 3 teachers and guest speakers, jams with live music, open studio space, talks, sauna, visit to dissection lab, movement artisans & lake studios library



50 Euro non-refundable deposit to confirm you registration. Full payment is due at the latest two week prior to each module. Last minute cancellations starting two weeks before module starts cannot be reimbursed. In case of illness (with doctor's proof) or family emergency we credit your fee to the next workshop minus the deposit. 



During all modules (except Module 2 & 4), a limited number of participants can be hosted at Lake Studios and nearby apartments which are within 5 - 10 min walking distance. Rooms are usually shared with one or two participants and include all amenities (shared kitchen, shared bathrooms). ​In the light of Covid 19 we might have to do adjustments in how we coordinate housing. We will communicate with you once your application has been processed.  

​Coordinated housing 20 - 30 Eur/night (changes may occur)



Module 1 starts at 10.30h on Saturday and finish on Friday 15.30h.

Module 2 and 5 start at 10.30h on Monday and finish on Sunday 15.30h.

Module 3: every week starts on Monday 9.30 and finishes Saturday 15.00 Sundays are DAYs OFF.

Module 4 starts Saturday 10.30 and finishes Thursday 16.00 


PRE-REGISTER! Questions? Contact us at






"We promote a working environment where students can follow their individual learning curve, attend to their specific limitations, have time to work on necessary adaptations as well guiding them towards and through challenges. We intend to create modes of learning that integrate personal objectives as well as heighten awareness towards the practice in and as a group. We aim for creating an atmosphere that is inclusive and non-judgemental, helping students feel confident to explore and experiment, leading them towards a deepening of experiencing with themselves and others. It is important to us to offer tangible knowledge and clear motives for chosen principles or material. We truly enjoy being hosts and guides, facilitating an inspiring, joyous and rigorous program as furthering education"    Kira and Antoine

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